Our Team
AligaPilates has at its core co-founders Trevor Clarke Carlson and Manel Landete in addition to Professors Oscar Vidal Redondo and Albert Ausellé Crosas. We are proud supporters and tutors of students enrolled in the certificate program at Escuela Española De Auténtico Pilates, EEEDAP.

Our Practice
ÀligaPilates, located near Plaça Francesc Macià in Barcelona, is a fully equipped Pilates studio offering personalized classes in Authentic Pilates Instruction. Our Professionals design one-on-one classes following the needs of each client using all the apparatus created by Joseph Pilates.
We follow the level demanded and maintained by first-generation teachers of Joseph Pilates and have studied extensively with master instructor Fabien Menegon, who trained directly with Joseph Pilates’ primary disciple Romana Kryzanowska.

What is Authentic Pilates?
Today it is common to hear the terms "Pilates Mat", "Pilates Reformer" or "Pilates with machines" as if there were different and isolated types of Pilates... and such a thing does not exist.
In Authentic Pilates everything is integrated, the exercises of each apparatus are related to each other and act synergistically as part of the same method. They are tools that we use so that each person achieves the maximum physical evolution according to their needs.
The Authentic Pilates Method is the brand that defines the most faithful practice to the original method designed by Joseph Pilates, as is currently taught in New York City.

Who can Benefit from Pilates?

Health benefits
- Back pain
- Herniated disc
- Neck pain
- Scoliosis
- pre- and postnatal care for mothers
- Poor posture
- Joint replacement or injury recovery, and the list goes on…
- Respiration
Anyone can benefit by practicing Pilates regardless of age, gender, or physical pathology.
Authentic Pilates develops the body uniformly, balancing it in strength and flexibility; a physical evolution geared to the individual. It focuses on the quality of movement, improving physical fitness, sports performance, and recovery from injuries.
Improve Sport Performance: running, golf, tennis, paddle tennis, and this list also goes on…
When the Pilates Method is practiced on a regular basis, it encompasses all aspects of health, maximizing physical potential in everyone: better posture, strength, flexibility, coordination, agility and control.